Community Giving

Philly Wedding Co is proud to partner with organizations in our community for charitable endeavors.

In 2018, Philly Wedding Co worked with The Preston & Steve Show on 93.3 WMMR to produce a mass wedding at the annual Campout For Hunger event. Couples interested in participating were required to present a valid Pennsylvania Marriage License and make a small donation of non-perishable food in order to take part. The wedding was just one of the many promotions held during the Campout and occurred on the final day. At the end of the weeklong event, Preston & Steve’s Camp Out for Hunger donated a record breaking 1.826 million pounds of food and $198,188 to Philabundance. A video of the wedding event can be seen below.

In 2019, Philly Wedding Co supported the COPD Foundation and Autism Speaks by providing a certificate for a free wedding ceremony that was used as a prize and auction item during fundraising events.

If you are interested in partnering with us for an event, please email us at least 60 days in advance with information regarding your cause and event and we will reach out to you to see how we can help. Our email address is